Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Our Friend Jesus

Yesterdays sins are gone since I met Jesus
He died on a wooden cross to set me free
I thank our Heavenly Father for sending Him
He has built a land of freedom for you and me

Free from those hardships we found on Earth
Happiness will be ours as we walk with Him
To worship Him with gladness inside our heart
He has filled my cup of kindness up to the brim

Never more will the devil control the way I live
My heart is uncluttered from the devil’s scheme
He can now no longer be doing these sordid tricks
I am through with the devil and his unproven dream

All the days I spent on Earth has convinced me
There is a greater place that God has made for us
Great mansions where we shall all live eternally
There in that promised land with our friend Jesus

copyright © 2018 By Acie

Sunday, February 4, 2018

In Control

I was like a ship drifting on a sea
Not knowing where I was bound
Then I met our dear Savior Jesus 
A whole new life I have now found

He took me out of my sinning ways
He taught what was right or wrong
That when the devil approached me
I must stand up to him and be strong

He told me there was a place up high
Where no storm clouds could appear
Only beautiful weather we see there
Every day shall be sparkling and clear

Now that I have found where I an going
I must thank Jesus for saving my soul
He showed me the right sea I must sail
Today I know God has things in control

copyright © 2018 By Acie